Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Get it DONE

So on Saturday, I declared that this week was going to be my, "go hard and strong all week at the gym, catch up on slack triathlon training, and feel ready for my July 14th race" week.  Then I hurt my back from what I assume was poor body mechanics while planting trees in our back yard as part of Project-I'm-Tired-Of-Seeing-The-Back-of-My-Neighbors-House.  Don't get me wrong- they are nice, but if there's one thing I hate about new construction and building a home, it's the lack of trees.  Unless of course you are fortunate enough to get a wooded lot.  We chose a corner lot across from where the neigborhood pool will be once it is built, so it's not ALL doom and gloom, I just would merely like to sit on my back porch and have a beer without broadcasting what I'm doing to 3-4 other houses.  And consequently, I don't really like for other people to feel like I'm sitting on my back porch watching them. 

Anyway, I have NEVER had a back injury before.  Well, aside from the strained right side of my lower back that I've been dealing with for about the last 6-8 months, but it is 98% better, and I don't really classify it as a back injury because I could still exercise while that was going on.  This back injury?  Totally different.  It felt like sore muscles in my lower back on Saturday directly after we were finished planting the trees.  Sunday was near impossible to sit or stand upright, and if I had to bend over, you could pretty much forget it, but the 1-2 times I managed to do it out of necessity, I felt a weird pinching in my lower spine- one that kind of takes your breath away while at the same time making you gasp and have ugly face. 

It feels lots better with Advil (which I have been consuming like they are Skittles), but I'm still really feeling it when I'm having to sit in my desk chair for work and when I first wake up in the morning.  I do think I just strained it, and I am feeling much, much better three days out, but still very nervous to go work out.  I'm giving myself another night off aside from maybe walking the dog since it's not too hot out.  I think I may be able to tackle something at the gym tomorrow.   I hesitate to go on the group bike ride out on the road just because I'm afraid I will start to have a don of pain and won't be able to stop.  At least if I try and catch a spin class, getting off the bike and going home will be an option if there is still pain there.

Bottom line?  Hurting your back sucks.  I should have known better.  I am a nurse, and I spent several years practicing very good body mechanics when lifting and moving heavy/immobile people and never got hurt.  I am just mad at myself for being an idiot, basically.  And man, I have SUCKED at training for this 2nd triathlon.  And annoyed that my times were less than stellar for the last triathlon.  And worried that it's too late for me to train enough to really progress and have a better time than last year.  And upset with myself that I continue to flounder when it comes to nutrition and a STEADY exercise plan.

I guess complaining about it is not really going to get me anywhere, and neither is continuing on this pattern I've been on.  I may not be able to exercise the way that I want right now, but I CAN still manage to eat healthy/clean and do what my body allows me to.  I can come here and post more often for accountability.  I can do a better job at planning healthy meals and snacks.  All this is within my capability- so I just need to GET IT DONE.

Plan for the next 24 hours:
Dog walk tonight.
Prep breakfast/snacks for tomorrow.
Go out tomorrow to the grocery store at lunch and get some healthy lunch foods.
Defrost some shrimp for dinner tomorrow.
Hope and pray that I can get out of this house for a real exercise session by tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hugs... I am sorry you hurt your back, I've never had back problems but I am sure its killer. I know when I work a little too hard and I get sore it really blows so I can relate .Nothing like your mind "wanting" to do it but your body betraying you. usually its the other way around.

    I think even though as you said you've sucked at training at least you are doing something at all that is more than most people do, so try and not be to hard on yourself. You are still doing it. You can do this. I love hearing about your journey; as I've already stated I adore you and love seeing what's up in your life. I wish we lived closer for dog walks and shopping trips. But alas we will have to settle for blog comments. Love you and keep going!!!!
