Friday, September 20, 2013

Feeling Gross

I've been in a very blah mood over the last couple days.  Aunt Flow is in town and I had leftover Chinese for breakfast this morning, if that is any indication of how things are going.  We decided upon ordering Chinese last night after the realization that neither myself or my husband have really had any for over a year.  We've had Chinese-ish food, like Pei Wei, but not your standard, in the Chinese takeout box kind.  So we did that last night and um, yeah.  I feel like the Pillsbury dough boy today and am I drinking any water to flush it out?  Psssssh!  Nah, I'm having some ice cream. 

The difference between the me today who stands before you openly admitting that I had Chinese for breakfast and ice cream for lunch and the me for, well, pretty much my whole life is that I'm totally open and paying attention to just how gross eating like this makes me feel.  I don't want any more Chinese or ice cream.  For a long time.  This is quite different from my previous behavior.  In the past I would tell myself, "Screw it, you've already messed up, so you might as well have a burger and fries tonight for dinner, followed by candy, and then all the other 'naughty' things on the list of forbidden foods."  I'm really trying to live a life where nothing is off limits, but everything I put into my body is somehow noted.  It's amazing how much junk I've eliminated just by slowing down, paying attention and deciding, "Oh, this is kind of gross." 

I've been using the MyFitnessPal app to track calorie intake and I'd say I'm about 80% compliant with that, and that is a good pace for me.  Anything else feels too diet-like and restrictive, and then the guilt sets in.  I've still encountered a few times where I knew I was going to be over in calories for the day so I've opted not to finish filling in my food diary for that day, or "forgetting" to write down some things.  That would be the old me rearing it's ugly head.  I really just want to use MyFitnessPal to make sure I'm getting enough (not usually ever a problem) when training, and to make sure there aren't like 20 days out of the month that I've eaten 4000 calories.  Otherwise, I really try not to obsess over it too much, and on days when it feels like a burden, I don't do it. 

My eating habits have evolved over the last year or so in that I RARELY snack after dinner, which used to be a huge area that needed work, so, I'm proud of that.  I guess my problem now probably lies in the fact that sometimes I do eat out of boredome or dissatisfaction from whatever lackluster thing I've cooked up at home, since I work from home- I never eat out for breakfast and rarely run out at lunch time for food, so I just get bored.  If my lunch sucks, I find myself grazing a lot throughout the day.  I still don't think my snacking habits are as bad as they used to be when I snacked mid-morning, mid-afternoon and at night.  Now it's usually the occasional snack in the morning and just a pre-gym snack in the afternoon.  Not too shabby, I'd just like to get a little more creative so what goes into my body at home is not only healthy, but interesting and satisfying.  Oooh, I should make a big batch of pumpkin pancakes and freeze them for breakfasts! 

Lunch is seriously what I struggle with the most.  I have a total love/hate with deli meats.  Either I'm all about them, or I'm really grossed out by them, so sandwiches just fall into the "ugh" category most of the time.  I don't really do frozen meals anymore save for the occasional Amy's meal, since they don't have preservatives.  In colder months, I do a lot of soups, but that gets kind of old.  Basically I don't want to put very much effort in to lunches, but I want them to be awesome.  Who out there makes awesome, easy lunches?  Save me!

Workouts this week have been on the lighter side. I did do a 45 minute slow run with minimal walking on Wednesday and my hip flexor was absolutely screaming yesterday. Today it's just barely tender, but I hope Sunday's triathlon doesn't make it flare up again.  I think I might have over-foam-rolled it.  I did a new technique, and I think it irritated it.  Anyway, I am probably going to swim after work since D is working on the north side of town and will likely be stuck in traffic for a bit this evening.  I love the pool on Friday evenings.  It's usually not crowded, which means I can get a lane to myself, which is the only way I swim on my back, since I am such a horrible weaver.  Cannot swim in a straight line on my back to save my life!  I don't think I'll do my normal 1500 meters, or if I do it will be slower.  I just want to get in and do something light so I can say I worked out.  Maybe all the water I'm retaining will be removed when I go sit in the steam room afterwards.

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