But the weather last Saturday was so wonderful! 77 degrees, albeit a little windy. My husband rides flatland BMX, and I could tell he wanted to go ride his bike somewhere, so I suggested we go together. He typically rides in empty parking lots, so I figured we'd head over to a local business park where I could ride using the dreaded cages on my bike and work on getting my right foot in without panic. And so off we went.
It took a few tries, but I was able to master getting in and out of the cages and had a hugely enjoyable ride. With both feet properly in the cages, I could really feel a difference in speed, as well as how much easier it was on my left quad to not have my left foot being the only one in the cage doing all the work. I zipped and zipped around the side streets and empty parking lots while the husband worked on mastering a "hang 5". Some parts were tough when I was working against the wind, but ultimately it ended up being a good ride and I left feeling confident instead of defeated.
^This is my happy bike face- complete with crazy helmet hair^
In other training news, I've been doing most of my bike training during the week in spin class. I am not sure if it is an exact replacement, but it whoops my a** every single time! I've never been so sweaty in my life! I have also been doing the majority of my running on the treadmill due to weather and amount of daylight after I'm done working (though I'm happy that has recently changed and look forward to some outdoor runs soon). I've stepped it up and realized that when I put my mind to it, I can run faster and for longer than I realized. Running *really* is such a mind game. Admittedly, I am not as great at "mind game" type sports as I am at other things. Put a personal trainer in front of me and I will lift weights as hard and heavy as I can go. I will kick and jump and punch with the best of them in kickboxing class. But running is different, it's just you and your thoughts. Your mind telling you what hurts, what you probably cannot accomplish, how out of breath you feel, etc.
Swimming is going okay too. I haven't exactly been using "drills" like last time, more just swimming up and down, down and back, freestyle for the most part, kickboard when I'm tired, backstroke when I'm not sharing the lane with anyone else (I'm a weaver when I swim on my back). Last week's swim had me feeling really breathless. My allergies were acting up and you really need to have open nasal passages to feel like you can breathe when you are swimming. If you rely on your mouth, your air gulps usually also contain a bit of water with them. And today I woke up with a cold, so I'm even more stuffy and decided to spend most of the day parked on the couch, so I'll need to try to make up a swim this week if I feel up to it. I started to try to time myself for the length of the swim for the first triathlon I'm doing, but got distracted when a rogue 5 year old went kamikaze and jumped into my lane, forcing his dad to go in after him. Kind of killed my buzz, so I will try again this week.
In race-related news, I have decided I'm not going to do the Ramblin' Rose Raleigh race. For one, it's a mere two weeks after my first tri of the season. Also, it falls on the same weekend that we are in Raleigh for a BMX contest that we've been helping out with for the last couple years. My husband brings his bike and rides, and helps with setup and take down and somehow I have won myself the role of registration helper, so I generally sit in a tent all day and take money and talk to the riders (and a lot of parents, if the kids are under 18) and usually have a pretty decent spot to watch all the contests go down. If I were to to the Raleigh tri, I'd basically be sprinting to the BMX event the minute I was done, looking like a drowned rat, with race legs, and probably starving, having gotten up at 0'dark thirty, and I just don't see it being an enjoyable day. All that on a Sunday, then having to drive 3 hours to get home and work the next day. Ugh. It was stressing me out for weeks on end, and last week I missed the deadline to register before the price went up, so I considered it a sign and officially bowed out. Also, the swim is outside. While it will probably be "ok" by May 18th, it certainly won't be warm, and if it's a cold day, the thought of getting on my bike to "dry off" with it being possibly cool and windy sounds just AWFUL. I really wish they would make this race in June. Out of the entire series that runs from May to October, there are no races in June and two within two weeks in May. Dumb. Maybe I will volunteer or something, so I can scope it out for next year potentially, but still be able to bounce and show up at the BMX thing looking respectable, instead of looking like a wet version of Grumpy Cat.
I do see progress though, despite doubting myself at times. For my very first tri, I did the bike ride in 33:25 and the run in 28:47. On Saturday, I did a 9-mile bike ride in 29:30 and a 2 mile run (a couple walk intervals) in 26:27! P-R-O-G-R-E-S-S!! I really plan on using the May 5th race as a marker for what I need to work on for July, so I'm not going to sweat whatever the results are. It's the first race of the "season" of races, and it's going to be in a very familiar place (our old neighborhood YMCA- where I do ALL my swim training), and the bike ride is through the area we used to live in, so I think it's going to be great. I hope for great weather and a fun first time out on my new bike in a race.
Next up, mastering these guys.